Wednesday 27 December 2006

Going green

Maria, my housekeeper, has gone home for the holidays. Most of the time she organises a replacement as I work during December. But this year, there was no replacement to be had. So today I cleaned. I don't mean just tidied. I cleaned. I used ammonia. I swept. I sweated. But most of all I was shocked at the amount of crap a single human being and her pets can create.

Where exactly does all the fluff, dust and other bits come from? I live in an apartment, not on a farm. Ok, so I have three cats who think shedding is a national sport but... still. I feel like I should go to a shedders/discarders anonymous meeting.
"Hi. I am 1+1 and I shed and discard."
"Welcome 1+1. The first step is to acknowledge the problem."
"So tell us the story of your dustbin. Do you recycle?"
(A nervous cough is heard.)
"Well? Do you?"
"Err... no I don't. I am too busy shedding."

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