Monday, 15 February 2010

Life lessons

Will the life list ever end? aka Filing is not a swear word.
We seem to be surrounded by a gang of self-help addict gurus and life coaches. You can change the world! (I can?) You are in charge of your own destiny! (But what about my bank account?)

I think the intentions of this movement are wonderful. People need to understand how empowerment can work in their environment. However, I do think there is an enormous hole that is not being addressed. (Drum roll please.) It is administration. Admin. Add-minimal. Adamant.

How banal that sounds but I am telling you the God-given truth. We read about how we can alter our existence... if there are piles of unfiled papers cluttering our offices and destroying our minds then the only altering that will happen is the one with an f in front of it.

I want to climb Mount Everest. Not going to happen without a visa. Organising a visa means a whole lot of personal details that come to light when there is an effective filing system. You can reach for the stars when your taxes are paid and you have updated your personal file.

Life begins, not at 40, but when you become an expert filer.

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