Thursday, 28 January 2010

aside from the list

I have come to a major revelation. I am driven by connection. My life feels so much less when I am not part of a true connection. When I talk about connection, I don't mean a love affair or anything specific. But there is an honesty and truth about connecting on such a deep level that it then sustains one even if you don't make contact with that person daily. I know a lot of people and am friends with many but it is very rare that I have that connection. When I read about people and their relationships, it appears that connection is not a universal drive. It is not a physical sense but a metaphysical understanding of another person and an acceptance of them that overrides any petty societal or personal barriers. The strangest thing is that as I grow older, people seem less inclined to connect. We all seem lost in our own worlds where the focus is on satiating the ego.

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